Kevin Costner is a gilled mutant who uses woman for currency in a water world named...well...Waterworld. Jon Voight and Eric Roberts get on a runaway train heading down the track. And that runaway train's never coming back in...Runaway Train.
For the bonus episode of Box Office Battle this week we review Jojo Rabbit and talk about it's Oscar potential. Amazon's One Child Nation andHBO's The Apollo are explored. And Netflix's The King is discussed as is Robert Patterson's upcoming turn as Batman.
A gang must battle across New York to get to safety in The Warriors. A dwarf must battle across Andowyne to get a baby to safety in Willow. The comparisons end there. Join us for the first movie debate between man and machine.
Welcome to the new bonus episodes of Box Office Battle. In this edition we review Truth, The Addams Family, Zombieland Double Tap, and Dolemite is My Name.